Related Skills
- Technological proficiency
- Good problem solving skills
- Strong organizational skills
- Good leadership skills
- Oral and written communication skills
- Strong research skills
- Experience in interacting with diverse populations
- Collaborative team skills
- Ability to work independently
- Strong computer skills
- Logical Thinker
Career Industry Liaison
Sakhawat Tanim
(309) 438-2200
223 Bone Student Center
Internship Coordinator
Randy Jacobs
(309) 438-2609
Turner Hall 120A
Related Fields
Wind Energy
- Wind resource assessment
- Service Operations Manager
- Project Permitting Manager
- Project Developer
- Project Controls Engineer
- Wind Farm Site Manager – O & M
- Business Development Manager
- Manufacturing engineer
- Quality manager
- Wind farm developers
- Wind consultants
- Wind turbine manufacturer
- Component manufacturer
- Contractors
- Learn touse wind resource assessment software
- Get an internship with a wind developer/manufacturer
- Minor in Integrated Manufacturing
- Attend county board hearings
- Earn a certificate in project management
- Attend trade shows and conferences
Photovoltaics/ Solar Thermal
- Systems designer
- Manufacturing engineer
- Quality manager
- Technical Sales representative
- Renewable energy consultants
- PV manufacturers
- Renewable energy distributors
- Become amember of the American Solar Energy Society
- Attend trade shows and conferences
- Take courses or workshops on PV design and installation
- Earn NABCEP certification
- Ethanol/biodiesel plant manager
- Biomass research and development
- Controls engineer
- Ethanol/biodiesel plants
- Equipment manufacturers
- Biomass developers
- Take extra courses in agriculture and chemistry
- Attend trade shows and conferences
- Participate in European tour of biomass technologies
- Learn a second language
- Research and Development
- Policy development
- Program manager
- Federal government agencies
- State government agencies
- Department of Energy Labs
- Obtain internship with a government agency
- Take extracourses on government
- Get involved in student government
- Seek leadership opportunities
- Develop exceptional oral and written communication skills
- Develop research skills
Tradeand Professional Organizations/NGOs
- Conference and Education Director
- Legislative Affairs Director
- Member Relations Manager
- Policy Analyst
- Program Developer
- Trade/Professional organizations
- Non government organizations
- Obtain internship with an organization
- Take extra courses in communication
- Get involved in student organizations
- Seek leadership opportunities
- Develop exceptional oral and written communication skills